Massier majolica cat jardiniere
Cats are the most common domestic pet in the world so naturally majolica manufacturers would want to cash in on that with pieces celebrating that curious, mysterious, sometimes loved, sometimes hated furry creature. There are so many majolica cats to see that I couldn't cover them all in my previous post.
Since I did my last post on cat themed majolica, which was inspired by my little stray Bo, she passed away at the age of 11. A year later my sister took in a stray pregnant young cat who gave birth to five kittens. I agreed to take two of the girls who I named Coco and Lulu. They have inspired this second installment on cat majolica fever.
Let's start with some wild cats. Lion heads are frequently used as decorative elements on majolica pieces. The number of pieces that do this are too large to post here but I'll start by showing some examples.
Minton majolica jardiniere
Minton majolica jardiniere
Minton lion handled majolica jardiniere
Minton majolica pedestal
Brown-Westhead Moore jardiniere
Etruscan Majolica lion paw and head vase,
a copy of an English piece
Traditional use of wild cats in majolica is universal, appearing in majolica both in England and the European continent.
Sarreguemines lion's head jug
George Jones majolica lion compote
George Jones majolica lion compote
Schiller & Sons majolica lion
Minton majolica lion figure
French majolica lion jug
French majolica jug "Chat au noeud bleu"
Bernard Bloch tobacco stand
Continental majolica lion
Thêodore Deck statue of Bastet
Onniang majolica jardiniere Frie Onnaing majolica lion pitcher. Also made at Nimy
Krause majolica candlestick
Doulton Lambeth majolica candlesticks
Continental majolica lion and tiger drawn chariot
Saint Uze majolica lion pitcher
Krause majolica lion compote
Krause majolica lion vase
Krause majolica tiger vase
Choisy-le-Roi majolica tiger planter
Bernard Bloch tiger majolica tobacco stand
Wedgwood majolica animal transfer plate
Brown-Westhead Moore majolica tigers
Brown-Westhead Moore cat vase Austrian majolica tiger head humidor
Austrian majolica tiger head humidor
Onnaing majolica tiger jardiniere
Continental majolica jardiniere
Krause leopard majolica compote
Krause leopard and flamingo compote
St. Clement majolica leopard pitcher Of course there are many pieces with domestic cats. These are among the most collectible designs majolica buyers seek.
George Jones majolica cat and mouse pin tray
Minton majolica cats on basket
English majolica kittens in a basket
Cat and basket majolica toothpick
Czech majolica cat jardiniere
Unattributed majolica jar with cat finial
Continental anthropomorphic
majolica decanter
B & L anthropomorphic
Puss in Boots majolica decanter
Continental majolica cat decanter
Dreyfus majolica cat teapot
Brown-Westhead Moore majolica cat on books
French majolica cat oil lamp Cat pitchers are very popular with collectors. I illustrated many in my previous cat majolica post. Here are a few more.
Gustavsberg majolica cat pitcher, a copy of Minton
Dreyfus majolica. cat jug
Saint Clément majolica cat pitcher Then there are the figural and decorative cats.
French majolica anthropomorphic cat
Massier majolica cat basket
Massier majolica cat
Massier majolica cat
Choisy-le-Roi majolica cat with kittens and rooster
Portuguese majolica romantic cats
Victorians liked their cats in smoking paraphernalia.
Continental majolica cat match striker
Portuguese majolica smoking stand
Austrian cat on chest humidor Cats were used for a variety of other decorative yet practical functions.
Alvas majolica cat and kitten toothpick holder
Unattributed anthropomorphic cat toothpick
Austrian majolica anthropomorphiccat candlestick
German majolica cat and egg box
Wasmuel majolica cat bank Austrian majolica cat bud vase
The French had a fondness for life-size cats to decorate their roofs and the sides of their homes. These were made of terra-cotta and covered in majolica glazes, often with inset glass eyes that would shimmer in the night lights.
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
French terra cotta majolica cat roof ornament
And then there are the plates.
Continental majolica cat and kitten trivet.
Also made as a tile.
Continental majolica cat and window plate
Onnaing majolica cat and kitten plate
As I did in my first post on cat majolica, let me end with a photo of the two sisters that inspired this post, Lulu and Coco.