Cobalt blue is certainly the most popular color in majolica. It is popular with both men and women and fits into just about any decor. Its dark shade as a ground color also makes the details in majolica designs pop like no other color. In English majolica it is often paired with turquoise, a greener shade of blue and a color popular in its own right, but it is cobalt more than any other shade that collectors seek.
I have been collecting cobalt majolica for over 25 years. In a large grouping it is stunning. I thought it might be fun to celebrate the majolica glazed in this wonderful color.
Wedgwood majolica Ocean jugs
Wedgwood Pear dessert plates and George Jones nut dish
George Jones majolica pelican sardine box
George Jones majolica orchid jardiniere
Etruscan Majolica sunflower syrup
Wedgwood majolica fish plate
George Jones majolica jardiniere
Minton majolica strawberry plate
Shorter & Boulton Fan syrup pitcher
Minton majolica oyster plate
Brown-Westhead Moore majolica oyster plate
George Jones majolica oyster plate
Wedgwood majolica oyster plate
Minton majolica oyster plate with cracker well
Wedgwood majolica relish dish
Royal Worcester majolica dragon teapot
George Jones majolica nesting bird jug
Holdcroft majolica fish plate
Wedgwood majolica lobster plate
Wedgwood majolica Chrysanthemum butter pat
Wedgwood majolica horseshoe butter pat
Wedgwood majolica flower butter pat
Minton majolica Dresser designed amphora vase
Wedgwood majolica Wheat and sickle bread plate
Holdcroft dolphin compote
Etruscan Majolica Maple plate
Wedgwood majolica monkey charger
Minton majolica wicker cheese dome
Minton majolica jardiniere
George Jones majolica cheese dome
Wedgwood majolica St. Louis garden seat
George Jones majolica jardiniere
George Jones majolica garden seat
Forester majolica crane garden seat
George Jones majolica daisy tile
Holdcroft majolica vase
George Jones majolica hummingbird jardiniere
George Jones majolica lily tile
Wedgwood majolica fruit plate
Wedgwood majolica Lincoln platter
Forester majolica butterfly lip pitcher
Holdcroft majolica game terrine
Holdcroft majolica punch bowl
Majolica cat handled pitcher
Wedgwood majolica strawberry platter
George Jones Wild Rose teaset
Majolica cat handled teapot
Wedgwood Fan soap box
George Jones majolica Full Nest game terrine
George Jones majolica server
Minton majolica swan handled jardiniere
Eureka majolica plate
Wedgwood majolica Alaska plate
Joseph Roth/Forester majolica cheese bell
Forester majolica sardine box
Wedgwood majolica strawberry server
Wedgwood majolica Fan garden seat
Etruscan Majolica fruit plate
Wedgwood majolica Minerva’s helmet jug
Shorter & Boulton/Eureka/Willets fan ice cream set
Wedgwood majolica Fan platter
Wedgwood majolica monkey plate
Wedgwood majolica dolphin oyster plate
Wedgwood majolica St. Louis oyster plate
Etruscan Majolica Sunflower cuspidor
Wedgwood majolica St. Louis oyster plate
Brown-Westhead Moore sour grapes jug
Wedgwood majolica Fan dresser plate
Wedgwood majolica Palm cheese dish
George Jones majolica nesting bird desk stand
George Jones majolica apple blossom cheese bell
George Jones majolica fence and daisy cheese bell
George Jones acanthus leaf garden seat
Wedgwood majolica Lincoln butter dish
Tenuous Majolica teapot
George Jones majolica chestnut plate
Minton majolica garden seat
Wedgwood majolica ice cream set
Wedgwood majolica Fan pitchers
Minton majolica garden seat
Wedgwood majolica Reeds jug
Copeland majolica primrose cheese bell
George Jones majolica Father Christmas syrup
Minton majolica mistletoe jug
Wegwood majolica grape and strawberry plate
Adams & Bromley leaping fish jug
Forester majolica Rose and Rope bread plate
Wedgwood majolica dragon teapot
Brown-Westhead Moore majolica passion flower jardiniere
George Jones majolica desk stand
George Jones majolica cheese bell
George Jones majolica teaset
George Jones majolica Iris pitcher
Wedgwood majolica sardine box
Minton duck and hare game terrine
Wedgwood majolica Lincoln plate
Wedgwood majolica Lincoln jug
Wedgwood majolica reed and cattails jug
George Jones majolica shell compote
Majolica cuspidor
Shorter & Boulton Fan tea set
Holdcroft majolica strawberry server
Shorter & Boulton Atlantic cuspidor
Arsenal majolica dog plate
Holdcroft majolica morning glory basket
Minton majolica vase supposed by putti
Minton majolica triton jardiniere
Wedgwood majolica Fan cheese bell