A look at the design, market and legacy of Victorian pottery

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Majolica Spotlight: Mustache Cups

Wedgwood St. Louis majolica mustache cup & saucer

One of the first majolica collections I ever saw was a collection of majolica mustache cups. I had never heard of majolica mustache cups before and this collection was just so cool!

In the years since then I have bought and sold many mustache cups and have become aware of how rare these can be. As you might expect, men seem to be the main collectors of this Victorian sub specialty. I've actually never met a woman who cared for them except as a gift for a male friend or relation.

Mustache or moustache cups, for those who are not familiar with them, are a specific type of coffee or tea cup with a special guard to protect a gentleman's mustache from being soiled. They were invented by a British potter, Harvey Adams in the 1860's, but they were actually more popular on the continent than in Great Britain.

They must have been quite a popular novelty in their day though because it appears most major majolica makers made them.

Fielding majolica mustache cup & saucer
Hawley & Co. mustache cup and saucer

Adams & Bromley majolica mustache cup

Wardle bamboo majolica mustache cup & saucer
Forester majolica mustache cup & saucer
Adams & Bromley/Forester majolica mustache cup & saucer

Wedgwood Fan mustache cup with color mismatched saucer

Wedgwood Shell mustache cup

Wardle/Lear majolica mustache cup & saucer

Wardle Fan majolica mustache cup & saucer

Wardle Sunflower majolica mustache cup & saucer

Shorter & Boulton majolica mustache cup & saucer

Samuel Lear majolica mustache cup

Holdcroft pomegranate majolica mustache cup & saucer

Forester majolica mustache cup & saucer

Fielding majolica Ribbon mustache cup & saucer

Fielding Fan majolica mustache cup & saucer
Forester majolica mustache cup & saucer

Fielding majolica mustache cup & saucer

Shorter & Boulton Atlantic mustache cup

This novelty crossed the pond and found a home at the Etruscan Works as well. The majolica Shell mustache cup has long been one of the most sought after pieces in this wonderful series.

Etruscan Majolica Shell mustache cup & saucer
Etruscan Shell Ivory Ware mustache cup and saucer

The good news is that majolica mustache cups have come down in price quite a bit since the 2008 economic bust on Wall Street. The bad news is that they have also become more rare. It seems inevitable that the prices will rise again so you should snatch them up while you still can.

For more on mustache cups pick up collector Glen Erardi's book on the subject, Mustache Cups: Timeless Victorian Treasures from Schiffer.


  1. I have my Grandpa's cup and saucer that is like the second one from the bottom. My grandpa was born in 1866...

    1. That is a very nice piece, made by Fielding c.1880
