Saturday, June 26, 2021

Etruscan Majolica Animal Pieces

In 2010 it was my privilege to give a lecture on Etruscan Majolica at the annual meeting of the Majolica International Society. My interest at the time was to promote the collecting of Etruscan Majolica and to tell collectors about my new books on the company. My lecture was divided into a section on the company history followed by sections on each of the major themes the company explored in their production. For each of these I did a short video showing all the pieces presented in my book.

Etruscan Majolica triple dolphin compote.

Eleven years and a new edition of the book later, I’m happy to say that the book is still selling consistently, but the lecture has dissipated into memory. I thought it might be of interest to include some of the videos I prepared for the lecture here in this blog.

The first video I’m going to present shows the animal themed pieces the company made. From butterflies to dolphins to swans the company created some lovely things. Detailed descriptions of all these pieces appear in the book. A link to the book on Amazon is found above as well as on the sidebar to the right. 

I hope you find the video entertaining and informative.



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