Friday, February 20, 2015

The Art of Majolica: John Harold Wood

We'll be the first to admit that we've never heard of painter John Harold Wood. All we've been able to uncover about him is that he lived from 1890 to 1965. The best that we can surmise is that he was an enthusiastic amateur. That would certainly describe the quality of Daffodils in a Majolica Jug, a canvas we discovered online.

While colorful the picture doesn't illustrate the most deft use of painterly technique or composition. Still it is a quite pleasant painting.

For the majolica collector the jug pictured is a well known Wedgwood majolica pitcher.

We've always liked this particular design. The use of different forms of rigid basket construction to put together the barrel shaped jug adds a nice contrast to the elegant natural cattails that encircle it.

Regardless of the provenance of the painting in question we always enjoy seeing a piece of majolica we recognize in an artist's painting. We would be interested in hearing if he did other paintings using this jug.

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