Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Some interesting new reproductions

Several reproductions of high end majolica pieces have surfaced recently. Two of these pieces are copies of George Jones and one is a copy of a Wedgwood piece. Here are the reproductions followed by the original.

The first repro is a copy of a George Jones dresser tray:

Reproduction dresser tray

George Jones majolica dresser tray

The next is a copy of a Jones Strawberry server:

Reproduction strawberry server

George Jones majolica strawberry server

The third one is a copy of a Wedgwood game dish.

Reproduction game dish

Wedgwood majolica game dish

None of these are very good and certainly none would fool a seasoned collector.

Another reproduction that recently became available was found in the most unlikely place: Pottery Barn!

Reproduction leaf tray

Etruscan Majolica leaf tray

This reproduction of the Etruscan B-5 round leaf tray is well made but it wouldn't fool anyone any more than the others would. Still, it's good to know what's available on the market.

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