Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lonitz Majolica Animals

People tend to either love Hugo Lonitz majolica or hate it. Unlike the English and French majolicas that favor whimsy and brilliant color,  Lonitz majolica is closer to the Palissy school of majolica production. It is unerringly detailed in character and thickly glazed in dusky earth tones. Lonitz squirrels don't wear little hats and bright red coats. They're rough and tumble denizens of the real world, scrounging for nuts and scurrying up trees.
It is in this detailed reproductions of nature that Lonitz excels. Often created life size, you practically expect the animals to scurry away from vision, waiting for a more opportune time to continue their foraging unseen by human predators.

Lonitz majolica deer

Lonitz majolica squirrel vase

Lonitz majolica ducks

Lonitz quail majolica plant stands

Lonitz majolica lamp base

Lonitz majolica turkey plant stand

Lonitz majolica snipe plaque

When it comes to the realistic depiction of nature, no pottery--not even Minton--is their equal. 
Such excellence comes at a dear price, however. Lonitz animal figures bring exceptional prices at auction. Take, for example, the bird shown immediately above. It brought $9,000 plus commission at auction, but in all honesty this is one case where I think the quality truly speaks for itself.

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