Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Majolica

Christmas brings a lavish setting for us today as much as it was for Victorians but there are surprisingly not that many pieces of majolica specifically designed for Christmas use. The most famous to my mind would be the George Jones Punch bowl. With its holly and berries surrounding the bowl, it is held up by the most famous children's puppet of all, Punch!

George Jones majolica Punch bowl

Minton made several chargers for Christmas use festive enough for the most grand Christmas pudding!

Minton majolica Christmas charger

Minteon majolica evergreen bread platter

Minton majolica holly and mistletoe charger

Minton majolica holly bread charger

Minton holly and mistletoe tureen underplate

George Jones made a wonderful pitcher with old St. Nick at the spout and Minton made a lively Christmas pitcher festooned with holly.

George Jones St. Nicholas pitcher

Minton majolica holly pitcher

Minton as well as other British potteries made covered servers with holly decoration that would be appropriate for the Christmas table.

Minton majolica holly covered terrine

Minton holly sweetmeat

Holdcroft majolica fox game terrine
Victoria Pottery Company majolica game terrine

Minton majolica game terrine

George Jones also made items dishes with holly decoration that would also be appropriate for a Christmas gathering.
George Jones majolica holly sweetmeat

George Jones nesting bird charger

George Jones majolica goldfinch jam pot

George Jones majolica Christmas charger

George Jones majolica mistletoe epergne

Of course other potteries made holly decorated items as well.

Forester holly decorated basket

Sarreguemines majolica plate with holly

Rorstrand majolica Christmas charger

Brown, Westhead Moore majolica moon vase

Adams & Bromley holly syrup

Minton majolica cameo jardiniere 

Royal Worcester majolica charger

It's somewhat surprising that one of the most desirable pieces with a Christmas theme was made by an American company, Eureka. Their famous "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" plate is as famous as it is elusive. Heavily reproduced, finding an original to buy is a once or twice in a lifetime opportunity. Maybe you'll find one under your Christmas tree this year!

Eureka holiday tazza 
Eureka holiday plate

From here at Glazed and Confused I wish you all the happiest holiday ever!

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