Sunday, June 20, 2010

Water Lilies everywhere!

One of the most commonly found themes in majolica is the water lily and lotus. Not to be confused with the water hyacinth, which didn't appear in the West until the 1884 International Cotton Exhibition in New Orleans, the water lily and lotus have been part of majolica iconography from the beginning. Used rather interchangeably in majolica the easiest way to tell the difference between the two flowers in life is the thick center stigmal on the lotus.

Perhaps it's the beauty of the single flower floating on the water amongst elegantly formed flat leaves that caused the attraction. In any event the water lily was a well established form in the English conservatories that were often the home for large majolica pieces. Minton's famous St. George fountain, made for the London Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1862, was festooned with water lilies.

Minton's St. George fountain at the 1861 London Exhibition

In fact, it's difficult to find a Minton conservatory piece that doesn't reference them in some way or another.

Minton majolica lotus jardiniere

Minton majolica lily jardiniere

George Jones majolica garden seat

George Jones majolica jardiniere

George Jones majolica jardiniere

Water lilies were also common at the dining table with servers and center pieces of all kinds featuring the pink tipped white flower and flat leaves. In fact the flat leaves were perfect on the serving table.

Minton pond Lotus syrup
George Jones Lotus syrup

Minton majolica lotus jug

Jones majolica lotus strawberry server

Minton majolica lotus strawberry server
Minton pond lily center

Minton majolica serving dish

George Jones lotus center

Minton majolica tea set

George Jones & Sons Majolica Water Lily and Bamboo 
'Spencer's Patent' Magnetic Water Filter and Cover
George Jones majolica cheese bell

George Jones majolica kingfisher tray
George Jones majolica lily compote
Adams & Bromley majolica dessert stand
George Jones majolica lily pad plate

Minton majolica water lily platter

Samuel Lear/Wardle majolica tea set

Samuel Lear/Wardle majolica lily platter

This interest in the water lily transferred to the New World when majolica took the U.S. by storm in the 1870's. Both the Chesapeake Pottery and the firm of Griffen, Smith and Hill created their own versions of the water lily plate by closely copying one of the English patterns.

Adams & Bromley pond lily plate

The difference between the Etruscan version and the Adams & Bromley version is that the American plate is more colorful than the English ones.

Etruscan Majolica water lily plate

In fact the English plates, which are much more common than the American, are often confused by newbies as unmarked Etruscan. The Chesapeake Pottery treatment is distinctive to the company's unique handling of majolica.

The sole American pond lily dessert stand, by the Phoenixville Pottery  is one of the rarest pieces made by the company, while the English stands came in any number of different sizes and forms.

Most Etruscan pieces are marked so the likelihood of finding an "unmarked Etruscan" example is pretty small. The reverse is always one of the standard Etruscan reverse treatments.

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