Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Major Majolica

I have no idea what a soldier’s march has to do with majolica but I was amused by this silly piece of sheet music from 1878.

Here are the lyrics:

In martial array, we see each day 
Our soldiers on parade, 
With music sweet and tramping feet, 
Bright uniforms array'd ! 
But I know a soldier fair, 
Who is handsome, brave and gay, 
The ladies faint with love's complaint
When gets in their way

Major majolica, he is a rollicker,
Brave and handsome, dashing and gay! 
He is a stifler, and such a trifler, 
The Major is " mashing " the ladies all day. 
Yes, Major Majolica, he is a rollicker, 
Brave and handsome, dashing and gay
He is a stifler, and such a trifler, 
The Major is '' mashing " the ladies all day. 

When cannons go off, he gives a laugh, 
Says, "Load 'em, and go it again!”
When bullets are thick, he always is quick 
To escape any danger or pain.
He draws his sword, says “Onward, boys!'' 
And then goes to the rear. 
The girls would die, or else they'd sigh 
If they lost the Major dear.

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