Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Antiques take a back seat to vacations as summer arrives

As the weather gets warmer the number of major antiques shows begin to dwindle in number. Summer is a bad time for antique sales, often upstaged by vacation plans and outdoor interests. It is a good time however for the antiques buyer. I've gotten some of my best antiques bargains during the summer months. The reasoning is simple -- as demand falls, prices fall with it. That fabulous George Jones oyster plate that you've been salivating over for months will most likely dip in price during the summer season, often as much as 50% as desperate dealers try to turn over stagnant inventory before the new fall antiques season. Dealers know that static inventory is dead inventory. Money is tied up in pieces that for whatever reason never sold. Better to sell at cost or even at a loss to free up that income for fresh merchandise.
The smart buyer knows this and will use it to their advantage as a bargaining tool during the summer months. This works to the advantage of the collector and the dealer alike.

So, instead of ignoring that antiques mall that you love to visit during the fall and the spring, stop on in and look around once or twice during the summer. You may be surprised what bargains you may find.

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